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Recent Completed Project

Regent Airways

Regent Airways

User friendly, innovative and cost effective online reservation system that provides you what.....

Anima Development Ltd.

Anima Development Ltd.

Anima Development Ltd. are daynamic website and total management System.............

Promise Foundation

Chittagong Independent University

Drins Tech Limited is a leading provider of enterprise software, strategies, and services ......

BMS Engineering Technology Ltd

BMS Engineering Technology Ltd. .............

Dhaka City School

Drins Tech Limited is a leading provider of enterprise software, strategies, and services developed ....

HBM Leather

HBM Leather Craft

HBM Leather Craft...

Zarina Salam Memorial Trust

Zarina Salam Memorial Trust (ZSMT) is an initiative of the honorable Chairman of Drins Tech Ltd. to serve the rural people in Bangladesh. The TRUST provides health services to people with low-income and also advise and treat people who are in need of help. Zarina Salam Memorial Trust is comprised of a variety of resources dedicated to provide benefits to individuals and organizations who seek help regarding medical services. The TRUST emphasizes on providing medical services to women, children and the elderly and organizations, such as a charity or other non-profit organization. Zarina Salam Memorial Trust was established in January 2011.

People are benefited by Zarina Salam Memorial Trust are rural people. They live day to day and in most cases, they are unable to bear the expenses to visit and get proper medical care from doctor. And here Zarina Salam Memorial Trust helps people to get medical services without any expenses.

People in rural area have less facilities and access than View More...
